Tuesday, June 12, 2007


How Did this Happen? will continue in July!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Swipe! WWJKD? I wondered, What Would Jack Kirby Do if he were doing our little webcomic. So, I went to the man himself. I cracked my Fantastic Four Omnibus and found a panel of Captain America shield-punching the Hulk while Rick Jones stood dumb-struck in the background. The I did a quick modified study of it with a felt-tip on a yellow legal pad.

Then I traced that with a brush on tracing vellum. Then I free-handed a Kirby-lite close-up on another sheet of tracing vellum. Then I did the words underneath on the scraps I cropped off. Then I took a piece of paper with pen ink shakeoffs for the blood splatter.

Then I put it all together in photoshop for biggens.

Now, it's Kenny's turn!

Friday, June 1, 2007


I love polaroid edges!