Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Welcome to Cliff Face: How Did This Happen?

Marcos, Kenny and I have decided to do a jam comic. Hopefully, we will stick with it and make the beautiful love.

The concept is simple. Since blogger puts the most recent post above older ones, we'll be writing this story in reverse narrative order. So, the first panel will be the last in the story, and the last panel will be the first.

Here are the rules:

1. Look at the panel that's been posted most recently.

2. Make a panel to proceed it.

3. Your panel should in some way set up the panel posted before yours, beyond that there are no content restrictions.

4. Try not to take too long posting your panel, as someone else is waiting on the wings.
5. Panels can be of any size or shape. It's the web, feel free to take advantage of that. Also, use color if you want to.

6. Feel free to provide some commentary on your panel when you post it, but don't suggest any sort of instructions for the cartoonist following you in the order.

7. There's a possibility, however remote, that this could turn into something good that we might want to print. With that in mind, keep a 800 dpi file of your panel handy. Panels on the blog should be 72 dpi jpegs.

8. Don't talk about Fight Club.

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